they all got off work at about the same time it looked like. Well, anyway, we kept on going out this street where all these cars were and all of a sudden he turned off on another street. It was a one way street, too, only not as wide as the other one and we found a parking place that Uncle Richie said it was lucky we found because with all those cars it's hard to find a parking place at all.

We didn't have to walk so awful far to get to the house. It was an old looking house that looked almost exactly like the other houses on this street and they was all touching each other mostly except where there was an alley between some of them.

Uncle Richie took me down under the front steps of this house and there was a door he unlocked and said here we are. Well we went in and he turned the light on and said he guessed Jay wasn't home yet. I asked what should I call his roommate and he said he guessed I oughta call him Uncle Jay even if he wasn't my uncle for real because it would sound kind of silly for me to call him Mr. Jay or Mr. Leathers, so I said it was o.k. with me if Mr. Leathers didn't mind.

Uncle Richie showed me where the bath room was and told me to get washed up and maybe I'd better put on a clean shirt since the one I had on was pretty dirty from the train trip and all, so I did. While I was in the bath room, I heard somebody come in that I guessed was Mr. Leathers or Uncle Jay or whatever I was supposed to call him, and it


After I put on a clean shirt, I came out of the bath room and Uncle Richie called me to come in the living room and introduced me to Uncle Jay. Mr. Leathers thought this was real funny, but Uncle Richie told him it wouldn't sound right for me to call him Mr. Jay or Mr. Leathers, so he said all right. Then he looked

at me and said where did I get those long eyelashes and I said from heaven and he said oh, this is too much and was Uncle Richie going to bring me up to be competition. Uncle Richie said shut up, Jay, and get washed up, we're eating out. I didn't much like Mr. Leathers or Uncle Jay like I was supposed to call him at first. He was sort of tall and thin and had blond wavy hair and looked sissy like, kind of. He was making fun of me I think.

Uncle Richie asked me was I going to wear a coat to supper but I told him I didn't ever wear a coat hardly except to Sunday School and to go see Grandmother and Granddad, and he said all right we won't wear coats either, so they didn't. We walked to this little restaurant and this lady in a white dress came over to our table and Uncle Richie and Mr. Leathers, I mean Uncle Jay, said Tom Collins and the lady said what do you want little boy. I told her I guessed I would wait and see Mr. Collins too, and she laughed. I don't like people who call me little boy. Uncle Richie said no, bring him a glass of ginger ale. I guess Mr. Collins must of been busy but he sent Uncle Richie and Mr., I mean Uncle Jay, big glasses of lemonade and we ordered supper then. Gosh, it was fun and all but it's not at all like the food when we eat out at the restaurant at home. Everything all tasted the same without any real taste at all except the ice cream which tastes pretty much the same anywhere, and Uncle Richie said he didn't even know they served ice cream there. I guess Uncle Richie hadn't eaten in this restaurant much and when I asked him, Mr. Leathers said before Uncle Richie could answer, no they didn't eat there at all. Then Uncle Richie told me that he and Jay had a little kitchenette in their apartment and fixed a lot. of their meals there and we would eat